Post by Lily on Aug 4, 2013 10:33:24 GMT -5
LOL ... I made my folks a flyer about their stolen garden gnome and the newspaper saw it, went to their house Friday and videoed them and wrote an article. The article has more info in it than the video and was actually on the front page of the NJ Daily Record Saturday Maybe they will get it back! Here is a link to the video and article, both my mom and dad talk on the video: www.dailyrecord.com/article/20130802/NJNEWS/308030006/Thieves-nab-Gnome-from-East-Hanover-home
Post by dookcitygang on Aug 4, 2013 10:52:03 GMT -5
Hope they get it back. That's like losing a family friend.
Post by Lily on Aug 5, 2013 13:09:31 GMT -5
Thank you for understanding Sandy!
Post by huronna on Aug 6, 2013 8:29:11 GMT -5
I think it was a little thing but 100 pounds? woW someone had to be very strong to take it . I hope they get it back also. Everyone be on the lookout!!
Post by Lily on Aug 6, 2013 9:30:33 GMT -5
Thanks all! THE GNOME IS HOME! My parents woke up to find their Gnome sitting in their driveway this morning ~. So, the flyer and the newspaper & video must have worked, whoever took him, brought him home. They ended up being in two major newspapers and a Long Island news channel interviewed them at their house too, not sure if it aired yet or not, I think it was going to today. But now the gnome is back home! xo
Post by dookcitygang on Aug 6, 2013 10:31:30 GMT -5
Yay. The gnome is home!
Post by Lily on Aug 6, 2013 11:54:05 GMT -5
Post by huronna on Aug 7, 2013 9:15:10 GMT -5
Post by smokeyoshi on Aug 7, 2013 9:37:02 GMT -5
"She contacted township police — who couldn't be reached Friday for comment"
The police couldn't be reached for comment??? Must be a small town. Or small paper, lol
Post by Lily on Aug 7, 2013 12:27:38 GMT -5
Smokey, it's a big paper! But a very small town and the cops, they are you know, small town cops who really didn't care about the Gnome ;-). But the media sure did. My folks ended up in two major NJ newspapers, Daily Record and Star Ledger, a Long Island news channel and get this..........CBS news!! LOL So the second link I posted, the follow up gnome is home story, now has a video on it where my mom speaks a lot if anyone wants to see. I know a lot of you remember my mom whose online nickname was always "Granny"....some of you still email with her too . Huronna, LOL, in a way they are, they are devising a "secure" method of keeping him stay put on the lawn for now on . xo
Post by spacecadet71 on Aug 7, 2013 16:07:53 GMT -5
YAY Welcome home gnome!!!! Heeheehee Gnome and home rhyme Takes so little to amuse me lol
Post by dee517 on Aug 7, 2013 17:01:40 GMT -5
Glad to hear that Gnome came home!
Post by smokeyoshi on Aug 9, 2013 7:55:03 GMT -5
Are you sure he didn't book a trip with travelocity without telling anyone?
Post by Lily on Aug 9, 2013 10:19:12 GMT -5
LOL thanks all!
Post by Lily on Aug 10, 2013 12:25:40 GMT -5
Okay I know I keep going on about this but...........lol LOL! Wow look, my folks are now on CBS!!!! This is great, I found the video on CBS. For those not in the US, that's a major network in the States, national network. One of the main prime channels. So I am going to put this one on my YouTube channel also. It's so funny seeing a CBS reporter with her mic in our driveway!!!! :-) (same house I grew up in) And you know what? .............it's really sort of cool seeing the flyer I sat here making on my laptop all over the news too! LOL! Never thought that when I emailed it to my folks I'd see it on the news!!! Plus, you know, it's not often a cute happy story is actually on the news newyork.cbslocal.com/2013/08/06/missing-garden-gnome-returned-to-new-jersey-family/ xo
Post by dookcitygang on Aug 11, 2013 10:44:32 GMT -5
You're famous and so are mom and dad and gnome.
Post by Lily on Aug 12, 2013 9:37:25 GMT -5
Post by Lily on Aug 12, 2013 9:37:30 GMT -5