Eyes aglow with loving light,
Forever dancing always bright,
They speak to me in foreign tounge,
Their bodies age their hearts stay young,
Love me is their only plea,
And I will give my life to thee,
I look at them and my heart does rejoice,
For I hear the sound of ferret voice,
They dance around and chatter with glee,
Their eyes cry out kiss me, kiss me,
Silky coats my hands do feel,
A tickly tounge a kiss does steal,
With them my deepest secrets I share,
Through good times and bad they're always there,
They lick away my heartbreak tears,
And chase away my darkest fears,
And when their time on earth is done,
In my dreams they always run,
For memories they always leave behind,
Memories of the joyous kind,
Their goal on earth is to teach us love,
These are god's four legged doves,
Peace and love is their utmost aim,
Full hearts for all is the name of the game,
They make me laugh they make me cry,
But my love they will have till the day I die.
by Crazy Lady©Feb.2005